Here we go again.

The adventure continues


An Executive Summary for the Canadian Grief Alliance.

The project was to take an impressive amount of information and put it into a graphic document no larger than 3 pages.

The next step in the Executive Summary involved transforming the infographic into animations.

Each animation was crafted in After Effects and initially produced as a video file. The client was very pleased with the results and requested GIFs for use in an email campaign, which are displayed below.

The final stage was to create Social Media Carousels. 

The executive summary was broken down into five sections for both the animations and the carousels.  I created all of the illustrations as well.  An example of one of the five is shown below.

Infographic for an Event Guide

The project was to create an infographic for a guide on how to host a grief event.  The guide was to be simple, easy to follow and applicable across an array of grief events.

Infographic for children grieving a lost parent on Mother’s day or Father’s day.

This infographic was to be designed based on workbooks created earlier for KidsGrief.  The design had to fit on two pages that could be given out as a simple handout.   There was a lot of information to pack into two pages!